Private Session —

1:10 Somatic Exploration with Peggy & the Congruence Herd

$175 first session (1.5 hours) | $125 ongoing (1 hour)

Informed by the wisdom of somatic experiencing and mindfulness, the session is intended to cultivate present-moment awareness of bodily sensations, emotions, and thoughts, aiding in the release and integration of trauma stored in the body.

The presence of the herd offers non-judgmental support and co-regulation as you navigate your inner landscape. A member of the herd may attune directly to your experience reflecting your inner state of being and giving you support and guidance as you move deeper into your somatic experience.

Every session is unique as we allow it to unfold organically within a container of safety for all nervous systems.

The session will close with integration through reflections, discussion and gratitude.

“Through reciprocity the gift is replenished. All of our flourishing is mutual.”

— R.Kimmerer

Reciprocity in healing emphasizes the mutual exchange of energy, understanding, and support between the healer and the one seeking healing. It acknowledges that healing is not a one-way process but rather a dynamic interaction where both parties contribute and benefit.

Reciprocity also underscores the importance of respect, trust, and empathy in the relationship. It involves active listening, genuine care, and a commitment to mutual growth and transformation. When reciprocity is present, healing becomes a collaborative endeavor grounded in respect and compassion.

At the core of all of our work lies an intention grounded in reciprocity, which respects the innate dignity and value of all beings, while acknowledging the profound interconnection between our own well-being, that of others, and the planet.


Who can benefit from 1:10 sessions?

Our 1:10 sessions can benefit people of all ages and backgrounds. They are particularly helpful for those dealing with stress, anxiety, trauma, PTS or anyone seeking personal growth and self-awareness.

How many sessions are recommended?

The number of sessions needed varies depending on individual goals and progress. Some people benefit from just a few sessions, while others may choose to participate in ongoing sessions.

How long does a typical session last?

Session lengths can vary depending on individual needs. Generally, sessions last anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes.

Do I need to have experience with horses to participate?

No prior experience with horses is necessary. Incorporating the herd into the session is at the pace and discretion of the participant.

What if I’m afraid of horses?

Having a fear of horses is normal and can be a healthy nervous system response. All sessions are conducted at the pace of the client and begin outside of the corral. Working with this fear can be a profound experience within itself.

Do I get to choose the horse I work with?

You can be guided to energetically ask a herd member but in respect of their autonomy, they choose whether or not they will actively participate. The herd, however, are always aware of your presence and holding space in various ways that play out in the background.

Do we ever ride the horses?

Our of respect for the healing journey of the herd, all of our sessions take place on the ground.

Are private sessions safe?

Yes, our sessions are conducted in a safe and controlled environment with experienced staff overseeing the interactions.

What should I wear or bring to a session?

Wear comfortable clothing and closed-toe shoes suitable for outdoor activities. It's also a good idea to bring along a hat, water and sunscreen.

Have another question? Reach out to

Saguaro desert landscape