Peggy holding Roxy on a halter and Sunset nuzzling her hand

Peggy O’Kelly

I began my career in San Francisco as a CPA with KPMG Peat Marwick. In 1990 with two young girls in tow I moved back to my hometown in the Napa Valley and founded St. Helena Olive Oil Co. After 25 years of growing the business, I suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury rendering me a stranger to myself.

Having little access to my executive functioning, I listened to the cues of my body leading me on a path of mind/body/spirit connection. Along the way I gathered teachings from healers of all medicines. My most profound healer continues to be Roxy, a Warmblood Mare, who I met while recovering in the Eastern Sierras of California. Our mutual struggle with dysregulated nervous systems created an immediate and powerful connection. With no specific intention other than to share insights from my healing journey with Roxy, we found ourselves delving into a profound exploration of the human-horse connection. Together, we learned to befriend and tend to our biology leading us to deeper healing and connection than others thought possible.

In gratitude, we created Congruence Tucson, a place to share our learnings and hold the space for other humans and horses awakening to the healing power of their true nature.

Learnings along the way —

Somatic Experiencing

SE Professional Training Program developed by Peter Levine | in progress B1, 11, 111 completed

Polyvagal Informed

Deb Dana's Foundations of Polyvagal Informed Practice | September 2023 Cohort

Certified Mindfulness Teacher

Meditation Mindfulness Teacher Certification created by T. Brach and J. Kornfield | 2021 - 2023

Animal Mindfulness

Trust Technique with James French, GYOE level | 2018 - present

Reiki Master - Holy Fire Initiation

The Wisdom School, Kali- Ki Reiki | 2014-2015

Plant Medicine

Aromatherapy, Jeannie Rose | 2011-2013 Flower Essence Practitioner, Floracopeia | 2017

Shamanic Studies

M. Harner’s Foundation for Shamanic Studies | 2016 - Present

Animal End of Life Doula

University of Vermont | Certified June 2022

Certified Yoga Instructor

Corepower Santa Barbara | 2018