Foundation Course —

Animal Allies: Honoring Indigenous Wisdom

$325 in-person

In our workshop, participants embark on a journey of understanding and connection, exploring the impact of present moment awareness on the relationships with our animal allies.

Through experiential exercises with the Congruence Herd, guided mindfulness meditations, and interactive discussions, attendees learn how to regulate their own nervous systems and cultivate present-moment awareness. By accessing the deeper connection of our true nature, participants discover how to create a balanced and harmonious environment that positively influences the behavior and well-being of their animals.

Through cultivating an energy of safety and connection, we create mutually beneficial relationships that enrich both human and animal lives.

Coming soon…

Many indigenous cultures have deep-rooted beliefs and traditions that view animals as allies, companions, and even spiritual guides.

Animals are often seen as teachers and sources of wisdom, possessing unique qualities and insights that humans can learn from. They are revered for their intelligence, resilience, and adaptability. This perspective fosters a sense of respect, reciprocity, and stewardship towards animals, as well as a recognition of their inherent value and rights.

Cultivating present moment awareness is the foundational step towards experiencing interconnectedness with our animal companions. A mindful connection would entail being fully present and attuned to the needs, emotions, and signals of the animal companion. It involves engaging with the animal with an open heart and mind, being aware of their body language, cues, and feelings, and responding with kindness, compassion, and understanding.

Mindful connection also involves being aware of one's own thoughts, emotions, and reactions during the interaction, and cultivating self-regulation and emotional resilience to maintain a calm and centered presence. It fosters a sense of connection, empathy, and harmony between humans and animals, enriching the collaborative relationship and promoting mutual well-being.


What is the Mindfulness with Animal Allies Workshop?

The workshop is an immersive experience designed to deepen your understanding of mindfulness, nervous system regulation and their application in building authentic connection with animal companions and all sentient beings.

What is mindfulness, and why is it important?

Mindfulness is the practice of being present and fully engaged in the moment, without judgment. It helps reduce stress, improve focus, and enhance overall well-being by fostering self-awareness and nervous system regulation.

What will I learn in the workshop?

You'll learn practical techniques to cultivate mindfulness in connection to our animal allies and all sentient beings. This includes understanding the shared mammalian nervous system, co-regulation, and techniques for fostering authentic connection that will serve both you and your animal companion(s).

Who can attend the workshop?

The workshop is open to anyone interested in deepening their bond with animals, including animal companions, animal lovers and professionals working with animals. This foundational workshop can enhance the effectiveness of animal training by fostering a harmonious partnership built on authentic connection, communication, and mutual respect.

Do I need any prior experience with mindfulness or animals to attend?

No prior experience is necessary. The workshop is designed to accommodate beginners and those with previous experience alike.

Will there be hands-on activities with animals during the workshop?

Yes, weather permitting, the workshop offers hands-on activities with the Congruence Herd, guided mindfulness meditations, and interactive discussions, all conducted in the presence of horses.

What should I bring to the workshop?

Please wear closed toed shoes and comfortable clothing suitable for outdoor activities, as well as any personal items you may need, such as water bottles, a hat or sunscreen.

Is there anything I should do to prepare for the workshop?

It's helpful to come with an open mind and a willingness to engage in experiential learning. You may also find it beneficial to familiarize yourself with basic mindfulness concepts beforehand but it is not necessary.

What if I’m scared of horses?

It’s not uncommon for a person to have a fear of horses as with any other animal. Working with this fear at the participant's pace and discretion can offer valuable learning experiences for both the individual and the group as a whole. If you have any concerns or want to discuss further, please reach out to us at

What if I can no longer attend?

Cancellation is allowed up to 24 hours prior to the courses start date. Once the course has started, cancellation is no longer allowed.

Have another question? Reach out to